Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Blog 1 Fireworks

So far in my novel King of the Mild Frontier Chris has gone over many of his past child experiences. He seemed to be a very troubled child, such as he would get angry quite a bit and lash out at people he did care about. I am not entirely sure what he would get mad about, but an example was that he had entered a quarter-mile race on his brand new Schwinn bike to impress an older girl; however, the previous few days it was nothing but rain, so you can imagine that it would be very hard to bike through all that muddy water, and sludge. He was biking as hard as he could in order to at least finish the race, but the MC was being no help, telling him that he was slow and needed to give up. Chris was determined to finish, and he was trying not to listen to the MC. Finally the MC kept saying “Chris Crutcher. Get off the bike. Push it on it. You are going slow enough to lose the next race.” Does he stop there no he kept saying in front of the whole audience “Chris raise your hand in the air if you can-“We have ignition. “I did raise my hand, middle finger jutting into the air, as I screamed, “Leave me alone, you big fat s**burger.” Well of course Chris wasn’t going to get away with saying that to not only the MC, but the entire crowd. His father had him under his arms faster than he could say that word again. Later that evening Chris sat in his room making as many possible words out of the one he had used earlier that day, of course Chris’ father could make any bad experience an educational one. That was one example of this anger that really just amazed me. Then he went on to talking about how his mother would tell stories from when he was a young lad and he used to have fits, and he would hit is head on the side of the bathtub(intentionally), his mother was so concerned about him that she would call a doctor and ask for advice. Every time the doctor would just say “Help him, just push his head a little harder than what he intended.” Mind you his mother would tell these stories while they were in company so the end of the story would always end in “And lo and behold… he stopped hitting his head against the side of the bathtub.” That would always make Chris more furious than before finally he just told his mom that “Your story isn’t about curing a kid’s temper. It’s about pissing him off for the rest of his life by rolling blocks under him and whacking his head against the bathtub instead of letting him have his tow-year-old rage. Stop telling it.” I thought that was really interesting that his mother just let him speak to her like that. If I said all those things to my mother she would probably spank me with a wooden spoon so that I wouldn’t be able to sit for a week. My grandma always told me that’s what happens to rude children, and believe you me, that falls under the category of being a rude child.


Me said...

O my goodness i totally understand what your saying! It's like amazing! I mean I can't believe how wonderfully you express your feelings it makes me want to cry I mean really I just love your writing and its just so cool. O guest what i want mac and cheese but just the kinds that have the figures like especialy the spiderman ones!

Me said...

um like no way now i want a potbelly pig but i dont want one that gets big so my cusin and i looked online for them but they are like 300 dollars so yeah i dont wanna pay that much for a pig

pitcher1 said...

hey Audrey!!!!

I love your blog, i can tell you put a lot of thought into writing it, your thougths were very thoughtful (if that makes any sense) and your writing was very clear. I could tell that you read the book and you had good thoughts about it.


Strawberry Shortcake said...

I couldn't agree more. Chris has quite the temper! I don't know what I would do if my mom told that story to a ton of people. I don't think I wuold have the nerve to talk back though. My mom would get really mad at me if I made fun of her in front of everybody. Would you have the nerve to do that?


Hilary and Halle said...

i really like your blog. it was intresting to read and i really like the humor you put in to it. How did you like the book? i sorta liked it but the topics were just weird and random!! Agree???

Jessie Nic said...

This was a very good blog! I really got a feel for the book. If i wouldn't have read the book I would be able to tell exactly what is going on. I really like how you put a lot fo your opinion in it and how we got what you thought of the book out of that one blog! I totally agree with you!!!!!!