Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Blog 2

Sometimes I just don’t understand this Chris Crutcher guy. First he is talking about how tough he is and all the anger he is showing to people; yet, now he is talking about him being a crybaby “bawlbaby.” He talks about how when he wants something he’ll cry for it such as a cookie, or when someone is getting to take a turn riding in his father’s gas truck. He talks about how his father got into the gas business with a man named Glen. Glen and his father would always take him and his siblings with him everywhere or for a ride so to speak. In a way Chris’ father got a new dad, and Glen got a new son. Chris says that he hardly ever saw his father outside a dirty bodysuit while they lived in the “little house.” Back to the point though, he is talking of the experience when he was riding with his father and Glen, and his sibling would either trick him out of getting to drive or when he would just be envious that he wasn’t driving the vehicle. I think that in a large way he is being contradictory of himself. I understand where he is coming from, believe me I used to be jealous of my sister all the time; however, I think he is being a little over dramatic with the whole cookies, and driving of the vehicle. When I was little I used to go up north with my father and sister, and my dad would let my sister and I drive the pick up truck, of course he did the pedals but still what good fun! Now Chris is talking about his first date, and he is just really such a guy. So he loves this girl with a deep passion, always picking things up off the floor and giving them to her, even though he knows they are not hers. On top of that everyday he always goes home and talks about this girl to his brother, but never even making a move. Finally one night his brother had him in a head lock and was talking to him about how he needs to ask her to the dance before some other guy does. Chris knew that lots of guys liked her; however, none of them were even thinking of the winter formal this early in the game. Chris eventually gets up the courage to call her, but he didn’t want to dial the last number, so he had his older brother do it. So he went down to the basement and told his brother to dial the number; unfortunately, the first words the girl’s father heard from Chris’ mouth were you son of a B***h. The girl wasn’t home, but the father said he would have her call him when she came back from cheer practice. When she called him back he just asked her in a very uneasy voice he she would go to the winter formal with him. She of course said yes, but then Chris had bigger fish to fry. Just one day before he was going to go pick his date up, he got a huge zit right on the top of his forehead, Chris said it was like a hill on top of his head. Lucky for him one of the boys on the football team knew a man who could help him with all his zit problems. The man told him to heat a coke bottle, and freeze a wet towel. Then apply the coke bottle over the problem area and it should suck up the issue. Well it was working, except for the fact that the bottle was literally sucking Chris’ whole head into the bottle. He new it was time to pull the bottle off his head, and he had no more pain or embarrassment. When he went to look into the mirror to see how well it went, he was mortified at what he saw. His gigantic zit had gone away; however, now there was a giant hickey looking bruise on the middle of his forehead. His date didn’t mind the bruise, but she was thoroughly impressed with the unbelievable story he told about how he got it. He was never very lucky with girls after that.


Conner said...

Yo what up my soul sista your blog is tight. The book looks interesting too.

katyy k. said...

Gangstaaa. your blog isss supa sweet.
im mclovin it
fo sho